
奖助金 & 项目

美国手语系 & 解释研究 (美国手语IS) is dedicated to providing quality educational programs to advance the fields of American Sign Language instruction and 解释. In addition to offering pre-service education, the 阿斯利部门 participates in grants and externally funded projects to support pre-service education and in-service professional development.




的 Improving Rural Interpreter Skills (IRIS) 项目 是2美元.1M, five-year interpreter training grant. 这个格兰特 (#H160D210006) 由美国政府授予.S. 教育部, Rehabilitation Services Administration. 的 虹膜Project is focused on improving the skills of 80 working interpreters and 20 mentor/facilitators 在国家的农村地区. 



 Preparing School Interpreters (PSI) 项目 5年期(2021-2026年)是1美元.从美国获得2500万美元的奖金.S. 教育部, Office of Special Education Program (OSEP: H325K210024).

的 PSI项目, under the leadership of Dr. Leilani Johnson and Emily Girardin, provides an expanded interdisciplinary concentration of 16-credits to the University of Northern 科罗拉多大学(UNC)学士学位 美国手语-English解释 (美国手语EI)项目. 我们的目标 is to invest in the academic and practical preparation of 美国手语-English 解释 students, their induction into the educational system through mentoring and 社区 of learning, and their introduction to the profession as 教育翻译. 



科罗拉多 Rural Interpreter Skills Enhancement (RISE) 项目 is a contractual collaboration between the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB)和UNC 阿斯利部门 under the leadership of Susan Brown (UNC 美国手语IS) and Trish Leakey (CCDHHDB). 我们的目标 of this collaboration is to increase the number of qualified interpreters by providing training and an induction period to practitioners working in rural Colorado and support the particitioners' efforts to obtain a state recognized 解释 certification, e.g., Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Interpreter Certification (NIC), Texas Board of Evaluation (BEI) Certification.


Artwork by Nancy Rourke, Color 美国手语


项目 CLIMB: Cultivating Legal Interpreters from Minority Backgrounds was a $2M, five year grant which served to increase the number of interpreters of color and/or from heritage signing backgrounds through the creation of career paths for specialization in legal 解释 for practitioners from these underrepresented 社区. In addition to providing direct training opportunities to interpreters from underrepresented 社区, 项目 CLIMB served as a rich resource for the larger legal 解释 community by compiling a wide variety of tools, materials, and webinars to support interpreters aspiring to or currently working in legal settings. 


RISP (2019 - 2021)

In 2018, the Colorado General Assembly appropriated funding to the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB) to address shortages in the availability of qualified American Sign Language (美国手语) interpreters in rural areas of the state. CCDHHDB partnered with the Department 美国手语的 & 解释研究 to develop and implement the RISP Certification Readiness Training 飞行员. One of the objectives of the funding was to prepare participants for entry-level competencies in 美国手语-English 解释 and professional certification in Colorado. 

Young elementary chidren "flying" as they walk down the hall


美国.S. 教育部, Office of Special Education Programs, awarded a grant (H325K100234: 2010-2104) to UNC. 的 OSEP项目 focused on improving the services of 教育翻译 in K-12 settings by identifying and describing patterns that existed within the work of 教育翻译. 的 overarching goal of the investigation was to better understand the day-to-day practices of 教育翻译 in order to better define and implement effective pre- and in-service curricula to prepare and support these service providers as highly qualified members of the educational team.



MARIE中心 was funded by the 教育部 and Rehabilitation Service Administration (RSA) grant #H160A100007. MARIE中心 worked with regional and national stakeholders to provide and sponsor activities that increased the number and quality of interpreters able to effectively interpret for consumers of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Two settings were of particular 玛丽的焦点:1) interpreters who worked in settings where VR clients were served and 2) interpreters who worked in legal settings. MARIE was committed to increasing the Deaf Community’s ability to effectively obtain and utilize interpreters through the provision of peer-based, self-advocacy training.